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Mobile Consumer Survey

What US Consumers Really Want From Their Mobile Provider

This survey of over 1000 U.S. consumers with decision-making authority over their mobile plans, was conducted by OXIO in October 2024 using a well-known and regarded survey vendor. 

Price sensitivity dominates consumer mobile priorities 

85% of consumers say cost is the most important factor when considering a mobile provider, closely followed by network coverage and speed of connection. Price sensitivity is further emphasized in consumers’ motivations to potentially switch providers, with over 46% saying they would be enticed to leave their current provider for a lower-priced plan.  

Consumers are open to major carrier alternatives

More than 90% of consumers would consider changing mobile providers to smaller, lesser-known alternatives, creating a growing opportunity for smaller MVNOs to capture market share.  

There’s a demand for more flexible and customizable mobile plans  

Nearly 75% of consumers would likely switch mobile providers if offered a fully customizable plan based on their individual data usage, preferences and lifestyle.  

The mobile industry has long operated on standardized plans and one-size-fits-all solutions, but our survey reveals a growing consumer appetite for personalization in mobile services, suggesting the market is ready for more innovative approaches to mobile connectivity.

Over half of consumers are willing to share their data in exchange for lower-priced plans and additional discounts 

Over 50% of consumers would be willing to share anonymized, secure data about their mobile activity if it meant receiving additional benefits like lower-cost plans or personalized discounts. Another 23%+ would consider such an exchange, suggesting that nearly three-quarters of consumers see their data as a potential asset that can be used to unlock further savings. 

Consumers would embrace embedded connectivity offerings from retailers and banks 

Our survey shows a shift in consumer preferences, with retail and financial institutions emerging as surprisingly strong contenders in the mobile services landscape. Nearly half of consumers would consider buying their mobile plan from a retailer, and over 20% would consider buying from a bank, indicating the future of mobile service delivery may not lie with traditional telecom providers at all. 

See what’s in the rest of the report. 

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Founded in 2018, OXIO is a New York-based company redefining telecommunications with its cloud-native, software-driven approach. By providing Telecom-as-a-Service (TaaS), OXIO empowers businesses to deliver personalized mobile services across multiple networks, offering a new level of flexibility and business intelligence.

OXIO's mission is to bridge the gap between traditional telecom models and the digital needs of modern businesses, enabling them to harness the power of data-driven insights for a more connected future.

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